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quality-Datenbank Klaus Gebhardt e.K. Scheveninger Straße 30 D-28259 Bremen Tel.: +49-421 3300 964 Fax: +49-421 2 763 679
Registriert im Handelsregister Bremen unter der Nummer HRA 28788 HB


EMail: "sales@" gefolgt von entweder "" oder ""

Klaus Gebhardt; Tel.: +49-421-2763673 (Anrufbeantworter)
Klaus Gebhardt; Tel.: +49-421-3300964 (Anrufbeantworter, top500)


Allgemeine Steuernummer: 08/304/02314
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Ehemalige Domain

Der Name unserer Firma rührt von der von uns begründeten Domain her.
Diese Domain haben wir 2013 an die Quality Services & Wissen GmbH übertragen.
Diese Firma führt zukünftig alle Geschäfte bezüglich auf eigene Rechnung und eigenverantwortlich durch.

Die Domain, die sich mit dem englischsprachigen Qualitätsmanagement in Europa befasst, wird weiterhin von uns betreut.


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31 Kommentare

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    Thanks and regards
    Mike Youmans

    Monkey Digital
  • Hi there,

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    We only use chat for communication.
  • Hi,

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    There's virtually no cost on my end to do any of this for you except for my time starting at 99 a month. I don't mean to impose; I was just curious if I could lend a hand.

    Brief history, I've been working from home for a couple decades now and I love helping others. I'm married, have three girls and if I can provide for them by helping you and giving back by using the tools and knowledge I've built and learned over the years, I can't think of a better win-win.

    It amazes me that no one else is helping others quite like I do and I'd love to show you how I can help out. So, if you need any extra help in any way, please let me know either way as I value your time and don't want to pester you.

    PS – If I didn’t mention something you might need help with just ask, I only mentioned a handful of things to keep this brief :-)

    All the best,

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    My Site (w/Live Chat) -